In the Third Element (HTV 3) broadcast, our colleague Dr.Sc. Mirta Herak and Ph.D. Mario Basletić from the Physics Department of the Faculty of Science in Zagreb. In the contributions of the show participated dr.sc. Đuro Drobac and Ph.D. Martina Dragičević, mag.phys. and dr.sc. Emil Tafra from the Department of Physics of the PMF.
Among the many unusual occurrences in nature, magnetism is certainly one of those that fascinated people throughout history. How do magnets attract and refuse? Why attract iron, but not silver or lead? About the special properties of iron and about modern scientific research of magnetism, we talk to Dr. Mirtom Herak from the Institute of Physics and Associate Prof. dr. sc. Mari Basletic from the Zagreb PMF. The magic of magnetic phenomena will be introduced to us by Dr. Sc. Đuro Drobac and more about looking for new magnetic materials and technologies will tell us Dr. Sc. Emil Tafra and Martina Dragičević.