One of the biggest problems of modern world is agriculture. There is so much people in that part of the world that there is no land where plants can be cultivated. So major companies are building skyscrapers where they will cultivate plants which are needed in daily nutrition. As there are so many people living in very small area, these plants need to be cultivated quickly.
Plants can not increase their growth speed, so we wanted to find a solution. Genetic therapy was not considered as it is very expensive. We came up with an idea to treat seeds with non-thermal plasma, as it is very easy to produce it.
We are participating in #scichallenge2017 in hope to contribute to the development of agricultural engineering with our work.
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Aktivnost Plazma poljoprivreda darovitih učenika 15. gimnazije iz Zagreba koji se odvija u sklopu programa ”Zvijezda je rođena” prijavila se za europsko natjecanje SciChallenge2017 kojem je cilj privući mlade ljude u STEM područje. Aktivnost se odvija pod mentorstvom dr. Slobodana Miloševića, Marijana Bišćana, Deana Popovića te profesorice Mihaele Marceljak Ilić i profesora Marka Movrea.
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